Super Mario Bros Ultra Deluxe Announced at F3 2023 (Trailer)

F3 celebrated it’s 3rd anniversary last month, it is a popular fan game & rom hack expo that adopts it’s name from the legendary ‘E3’ gaming expo. In reality, F3 is less of an expo and more of an hour-long sizzle reel of upcoming, ambitious fan projects ran by beloved SM64 rom hacker, Kaze.
One of the most ambitious-looking projects shown at F3 this year was Super Mario Bros Ultra Deluxe, the trailer for which can be seen below.

SMB Deluxe is built off the original SMB for the Nintendo Entertainment System, but it also adds several interesting features that were included in the Super Mario Bros. Deluxe port originally for the GB. These new features include a special coin & egg hunt, scrolling the screen backwards, an overworld level select, a race mode, and more. How is this all possible on a original SMB rom? Well, after closer inspection, SMB Ultra Deluxe is not your typical rom hack! It could be most easily compared to other PC ports that use modern code but are powered by original rom assets, such as the popular Sonic 3 A.I.R. or Mario 64 PC Port. So, PC players at the very least can look forward to this ultimate classic Mario package when it releases in the future.
